
How value-based payments fit with health plan design

Original Air Date: 12/9/2021

Employers and their employees represent a significant portion of healthcare spending, which includes costs resulting from inefficiencies in the healthcare system. These inefficiencies not only drive costs, but create a less-than-ideal experience for plan members. However, some innovative employers are implementing value-based payment models as part of their benefit design to influence utilization, prices, and spending.

Industry experts discuss:

  • How and why today’s provider payment models are driving inefficiencies, higher costs, and low-value care
  • The basics of various employer value-based payment models, and how some innovative employers are using them today to lower spend up to 10% or more
  • How an employer-sponsored health plan’s benefit designs interacts (and is complemented by) value-based payment models
  • Tips and considerations on how to integrate value-based payment models into your current benefit design

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